Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Hinchliff_Blog Intro

I'm Sara Hinchliff.  I'm in the one year MAT pilot program.  I have a psychology degree from Elmira College in NY state and a Master of Library Science degree from Clarion University of Pennsylvania. I am a bookworm who would love to share my love of reading and learning with children as either a classroom teacher or librarian.  While I have always loved to read anything and everything, I found early on I especially loved stories set in the past.  I remember being super excited when I found out these types of books had a name-historical fiction.  The original American Girl series (before they were bought out by Mattel) is what originally hooked me!

I have 3 kids (14, 11, 9).  We are new to NC, just moving to Chapel Hill last fall for my husband to take a new job.  My husband and I grew up in the NY state but since graduating from college have lived in Maryland twice, Washington state, South Korea and England twice.  We love to travel and try new things and have managed to drag our kids through Europe, Asia and the US.  

While completing my MLS I volunteered at various archives, libraries and museums in England and completed an internship with the rare books librarian at the University of York/York Minster Library.  While super fascinating I kept coming back to the desire for movement and creativity that teaching includes.  I ended my time in England at a Victorian workhouse museum dressing the part and leading kids through hands on lessons about Victorian life.  There were only a few brave kids willing to question my American accent in a Victorian museum. :)
Always seems impossible to get all five of us in a photo.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Sara! Welcome to Children's Lit. I'm glad to find a historical fiction lover in the group, since this is the genre that least engages me. I hope you can share your favorites and insights.
