Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The School Story

My name is Katie Strickland and I am in the Math Specialist masters program. I completed my undergraduate coursework at NC State and am a proud member of the pack.

One of my favorite authors when I was growing up was Andrew Clements. His stories always captured my attention because they were about students who were my age. I own several of his book that he has published and even have multiple copies of some. I still go out and buy his latest books and read them before I put them on my classroom bookshelf so that I can talk to students about them. Whenever my students ask what book I should read, I always point them in the direction of Andrew Clements.

The book that I enjoyed the most that Clements wrote was Frindle.  The main character Nick reminded me of myself because he was curious things like what makes a word a word. Nick creates the new word (Frindle) to use instead of the word pen. I loved how he took something that his teacher had taught him and he used that to create his own word. His word went on to be a word that all of the people in his school used instead of the word pen. This book was enjoyable because it made me realize that even I could do something like create a new word.

1 comment:

  1. One of the best ways to get kids hooked on reading is to find an author they connect with--so they want to read more and more of his or her books! Sounds like this worked for you as a child, and you are sharing that love with your students.
