Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Rainbow Fish

     Hello, my name is Kelley Dieffenbach (Dee-fin-bok) and I am participating in the Math Specialist Graduate program at NC State.  My passion and excitement for reading is made very obvious to my students when I read aloud.  My teammates have told me many times they know I'm doing a readaloud when they can hear my voice ringing through the walls.  I can't help it, I just get so excited! This passion stemmed from growing up in a home with an abundance of books, as well as witnessing my family constantly reading.

     My favorite book as I was growing up was The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister.  Initially, I was drawn to read this book because of the beautiful illustrations.  However, it later became my favorite story for more than just aesthetic reasons: I truly enjoyed the lesson the story taught.  I loved reading along as the main character transformed from being a selfish braggart to a kind, generous friend.  This story gave me the hope that throughout my life I would come across many altruistic people who I could also share myself with.

1 comment:

  1. As you note, this is a beautiful book, both visually and in story. I'm glad you share your enthusiasm for reading with your students!
