Thursday, August 25, 2016


I am Heidi Meyer, a NCSU  graduate student working on my Master's of Elementary Education and Math Specialist program. I grew up having parents who read to us every night. I had a lot of books growing up that I really enjoyed, I read the Babysitter Club series and the box car children series when I was in Elementary school. I wouldn't say I was an excellent reader, definitely drifted away from "enjoying reading" as I got older and the less pictures books had (I'm a visual learner) moving into middle and high school. 

I'm not sure why this book stuck out in my mind the most but I grew up in Chicago, where Halloween was always a celebration in my family. I grew up in a large family and Halloween was one of the many holidays we ALL got together. I remember my cousins and I running through neighborhoods for candy and drinking cider in the cold weather with my parents/aunts/uncles etc. We read this book every year - maybe it was the "suspense" of the rabbit in the story, or that I had dogs growing up and I just related to having pets etc. but I LOVED this book. 

I put the Dollhouse Murders because it was my first chapter book I LOVED! Maybe it's the mystery and the thrill of the story but I still remember everything about this book and have considered reading it to my 3rd graders as a read aloud this year. It was SUCH a good book, I definitely remember reading it more than once! 

 Image result for bunnicula         Image result for dollhouse murders

1 comment:

  1. Heidi, we had similar tastes as children--I also loved Babysitter's Club, Boxcar Children, and Bunnicula! These child-friendly suspense/mystery books are often favorites of even the most reluctant readers. Your personal connections to the story demonstrate the importance of finding books that connect to children's interests and identities.
