Friday, June 24, 2016

Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Hello everyone, my name is Logan Campbell and I am a special education teacher at the Tammy Lynn Center for Developmental Disabilities. I taught severe autism at the high school level for 2 1/2 years and just finished my first semester at TLCDD. Tammy Lynn is a non-profit that is contracted through WCPSS to serve students that are medically fragile and have multiple disabilities. Basically, when a student has medical needs that cannot be safely met in a public school setting they come to us. It is extremely different. Some of my students lay in beds all day and are hooked up to a lot of machines but we make it work! Autism still has my heart and I hope to help start an AU program at TLCDD within the next few years. I keep my faith and my cats close to my heart and watch an unhealthy amount of Netflix. I am getting my M.Ed. in special education and if everything goes well this will be my last class of graduate school! I'm excited to learn new literacy strategies I can bring into my classroom and work with all of you!

Oh, the Places You'll Go! has a very special place in my heart. I loved it when I was little but now that I get to read it to my own students it has totally different meaning. The basic message in this book is that life is tough but everyone is smarter and stronger than they think they are. That is a very important message for students with disabilities to understand. So many people underestimate those with special needs and one of my jobs is to help my students realize just how capable they are. It will always be my favorite book to read to myself and to my students. 

1 comment:

  1. Logan, your post made me see this book in an all-new light. It has always been a popular graduation gift, and it is a nice send-off reading for the last days of school. Using it to build self-efficacy in your students with disabilities is an excellent idea.
